Fees & Information
Thermography Fees & Descriptions
Breast Study
The breast images are from the neck to below the breasts. The images are front, side views, each breast individually, under both breasts, under the armpits and the back. We are not just looking for cancer, we are looking for imbalances that may lead to problems in the future. Cancer does not develop overnight and the body exhibits certain characteristics before the cancer actually forms. There are many factors that can influence the health of the breast, such as: thyroid dysfunction, hormone imbalances, lymphatic congestion, toxicity, calcification and more. Thermography can identify these concerns so that a plan can be put into action.
Breast & Chest Study
We are now offering to include the chest area along with the breast study for an additional $25. This study will cover the heart and lungs.
Women’s & Men’s Health Study
Head, neck, chest, back, abdomen
The head and neck images can identify dental infections, TMJ, sinus issues, carotid artery disease, thyroid dysfunction and more. The chest images include the breast but also looks at the heart, lungs, esophagus and spinal problems. The abdomen can see if there is developing pathology in the bladder, uterus, colon, liver, gallbladder and more. The Health Study is where most people like to start so they can have a thorough overview of the body and what areas may need to be addressed.
Full Body Study, Female & Male
Head, neck, chest, back, abdomen, legs, arms, hands & feet
This study is the same as the Health Study but also includes the arms, hands, legs and feet. This screening can be beneficial for someone with diabetes, neuropathy, blood clots, injuries, arthritis and more.
Dental Study
Thermography can be used to identify not only dental concerns, but also the path of bacteria and inflammation stemming from teeth to other areas of the body. Studies show there is a relationship between oral health and 90% of all systemic diseases in the body.
2 Regions of Interest Study (ROI)
We offer the option to choose which Region of Interest you select. For instance, it can be the Head and Breast or the Breast and the Abdominal Region. Speak with your thermographer about your concerns to decide the best thermography study for you.
Patient Pre-Thermography Study Instructions
Unless specifically instructed by your physician, you should wait at least three months after any form of surgery (including biopsy), the completion of chemotherapy or radiation before your study.
Avoid any natural or artificial tanning for three (3) days prior to your study.
You must not have had significant fevers (102° or more) within thirty-six hours of your study or have any level of fever on the day of your study. Refrain from a sauna, steam-room or hot/cold packs for at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to your study.
There should be no new bruising, rashes or skin irritation on the day of your study.
With your physician’s permission, please do not use the following medications for twelve hours prior to your study: niacin or niacin patch (500 milligrams or more), nitroglycerin or any migraine medication.
Avoid any tobacco use or caffeinated coffee or tea consumption for two (2) hours prior to your study. Avoid vigorous exercise, bathing or showering for one (1) hour prior to your study.
Long hair should be worn up or pulled back off your shoulders prior to your study.
For Breast Imaging: Avoid any vigorous physical stimulation, examination or compression of the breasts (self or clinical examination, ultrasound or mammogram) for at least three days prior to your study.
Do not use any skin creams, lotions, deodorants or powders that may cause inflammation on your breasts or underarms on the day of your study. We recommend women wear a blouse and pants or skirt to your study and please do not wear an underwire bra to the exam.
For Men: The “Men’s Health Study” or “Full Body Study” will require that your abdomen is revealed so it is best to wear brief underwear or a “Speedo”. You will not be required to remove your underwear.
Review Before Your Appointment
In order to keep appointments running smoothly, please download and fill out your forms prior to your appointment.
Forms to Download
We do not require that you fill out a Health Questionnaire, we prefer to go over the questions with you during your appointment to assure accuracy. We do need the HIPAA form and we will have one for you if you do not bring it with you.
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