
Thermography Images

Understanding Your Thermography Report
When you receive your thermography report it is very important that you understand the report. If you do not understand it and do not take the action that is recommended you have not gotten the true benefit of thermography.

Thermographic Interpretation
If you are new to thermography, the reports may sometimes be confusing. That’s because there’s a lot that goes into the interpretation of thermal images that cannot be appreciated by simply looking at the images included in the report.

Thermography and Your Thyroid
Your body is a complex and wonderful system. Your hypothalamus produces TSH releasing hormone (TRH). This hormone controls your pituitary gland and causes it to release thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH).

Thermography & Inflammation
Image your Body with cutting-edge “Ultra High Definition Infrared Imaging” providing the earliest look at the most important indicator of a potential health problem:

Breast Thermography & Hormones
Another interesting use for the breast thermogram is to help monitor hormone replacement therapy. When estrogen dominance is present (an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone which favors a stronger estrogenic expression), he begins to see a pattern suggestive of higher risk.

Breast Health Awareness
Women are encouraged to get a mammogram so they can find their breast cancer as early as possible. But instead of early detection, let’s be proactive in our Breast Health and identify risk factors so plans can be put into action to improve the health of the breast and reverse developing pathology. This is prevention, not just early detection.

The Difference Between Mammograms & Thermograms
Mammograms image the structure of the breast and thermography images the physiology. For example, an x-ray of your heart will show how big it is and where it is in your chest, whereas an EKG will show the function of the heart. Thermography “shows” the function of the breasts and how healthy they are.

Not All Thermography is the Same
If you are considering thermography it is important to understand that not all thermography is the same. There are four major things to consider when making thermography decisions.

Explanation of Thermography
Thermography is an infra-red picture of the body that measures heat and blood vessel patterns. It is able to pick up inflammation, infections, and functional concerns throughout the body that may not be otherwise evident.
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